Logistics, Cost, Registration, etc.
Logistics, Cost, Registration, etc.
Logistics, Cost, Registration, etc.
The venue is the cozy Hotel de Koepoort in Enkhuizen, Holland. We will run the conference as a not-for-profit event. The price for attendance, which will include registration and all meals, is €473.11 (including VAT). You make your own travel arrangements and your own lodging arrangements with the hotel.
The venue is the cozy Hotel de Koepoort in Enkhuizen, Holland. We will run the conference as a not-for-profit event. The price for attendance, which will include registration and all meals, is €473.11 (including VAT). You make your own travel arrangements and your own lodging arrangements with the hotel.
Start by mailing me (scrumtulipplop@scrumplop.org) to indicate your interest in attending the event. The formalisms are:
Start by mailing me (scrumtulipplop@scrumplop.org) to indicate your interest in attending the event. The formalisms are:
1. Mail me as above to let me know what you want to write about, so we can assign a Shepherd to you (before 15 January 2021).
2. Register for the conference at EventBrite (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/scrum-tulip-plop-2020-tickets-77292488915)
3. Secure a room at the hotel at rooms@hoteldekoepoort.com (https://www.hoteldekoepoort.com/). Hotel costs are not included in the registration fee.
4. Work on your pattern with your Shepherd. You will learn who your Shepherd is in early January 2020. We will let you know whether your pattern is accepted for review at the event by 1 February 2021. The final version of the pattern is due 15 May 2021.
Reservations must be completed, committed, and paid by 15 January 2021.
Reservations must be completed, committed, and paid by 15 January 2021.
Cesário Ramos, Conference Chair