Scrum Tulip PLoP 2021 - Enkhuizen Netherlands
The Spring version of ScrumPLoP 2020 2021 — the Eleventh (almost) Annual Scrum PLoP® — will take place in Enkhuizen, Netherlands, on 23 - 26 May 2021.
Curious about our purpose: The ScrumPLoP Mission
May 23
Morning - Pattern bootcamp -
Afternoon - Start conference, socialising and example writers workshop.
Evening - Food, wine and socializing
May 24 - 26
Track 1 - Writers workshops for accepted proposals.
Track 2 - Open Space on Pattern Sequences / Experience reports
Track 3 - Pattern mining to generate new area's for witting patterns for.
Evening - Organised conference dinner
May 27
Morning - Closing games and goodbye.
To attend the conference it is required to submit a pattern proposal. You will be assigned a Shepherd who will help you get your paper at the level for workshopping at the conference.
Your patterns will be published on our new site in the candidate patterns section with your credentials.
Your patterns have the potential to be published in a next book under your author credentials.
For details see: Submission Guidelines: How do I write a pattern?
The registration cost is €403,11. See logistics and registration details.
ATTENDEES ( max 20 )
Alan O'Callaghan
Cesario Ramos
James Coplien
Getrud Bjørnvig
About PLoPs: The community where patterns grow
Works in progress (authors working on drafts go here)
I have read books by Sutherland, Cohn, Rubin, Lacey and more, and plenty more articles on top of that, but I have never found information more helpful on the subject of Scrum than what I found on your site. — Dana Pace
For years now, the site is one of the focus area in my CSM classes. Teams in class have to research a pattern and create a presentation on their pattern to the other teams in class. ... I make sure that they walk out of class with knowledge of this valuable resource to them as ScrumMasters. — Bob Sarni
Bob, I like your approach. Have started slowly to move in the same direction. Taking small reversible steps ;-) is a valuable source and reference. — Arne Åhlander
I haven't learned so much in such a short time for a long time. Very insightful. — Sohrab Salimi