Scrum Tulip PLoP 2021 - Enkhuizen Netherlands

The Spring version of ScrumPLoP 2020 2021 — the Eleventh (almost) Annual Scrum PLoP® — will take place in Enkhuizen, Netherlands, on 23 - 26 May 2021.

Curious about our purpose: The ScrumPLoP Mission


May 23

Morning - Pattern bootcamp -

Afternoon - Start conference, socialising and example writers workshop.

Evening - Food, wine and socializing

May 24 - 26

Track 1 - Writers workshops for accepted proposals.

Track 2 - Open Space on Pattern Sequences / Experience reports

Track 3 - Pattern mining to generate new area's for witting patterns for.

Evening - Organised conference dinner

May 27

Morning - Closing games and goodbye.


To attend the conference it is required to submit a pattern proposal. You will be assigned a Shepherd who will help you get your paper at the level for workshopping at the conference.

  • Your patterns will be published on our new site in the candidate patterns section with your credentials.

  • Your patterns have the potential to be published in a next book under your author credentials.

For details see: Submission Guidelines: How do I write a pattern?


The registration cost is €403,11. See logistics and registration details.

ATTENDEES ( max 20 )

  • Alan O'Callaghan

  • Cesario Ramos

  • James Coplien

  • Getrud Bjørnvig

About PLoPs: The community where patterns grow

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I have read books by Sutherland, Cohn, Rubin, Lacey and more, and plenty more articles on top of that, but I have never found information more helpful on the subject of Scrum than what I found on your site. — Dana Pace

For years now, the site is one of the focus area in my CSM classes. Teams in class have to research a pattern and create a presentation on their pattern to the other teams in class. ... I make sure that they walk out of class with knowledge of this valuable resource to them as ScrumMasters. — Bob Sarni

Bob, I like your approach. Have started slowly to move in the same direction. Taking small reversible steps ;-) is a valuable source and reference. — Arne Åhlander

I haven't learned so much in such a short time for a long time. Very insightful. — Sohrab Salimi