Logistics, Cost, Registration, etc.
We will run the conference as a not-for-profit event. The price for attendance, which will include lodging, registration, and all meals, is about €800 depending on the exchange rate. Please mail me (jcoplien@scrumplop.org) to indicate your interest in attending the event. You can register directly with the hotel at any time. The venue is the Quinta da Pacheca near Porto, Portugal. Reservations must be completed, committed and paid by 31 December 2015.
We will run the conference as a not-for-profit event. The price for attendance, which will include lodging, registration, and all meals, is about €800 depending on the exchange rate. Please mail me (jcoplien@scrumplop.org) to indicate your interest in attending the event. You can register directly with the hotel at any time. The venue is the Quinta da Pacheca near Porto, Portugal. Reservations must be completed, committed and paid by 31 December 2015.
Please add your arrival time to the logistics spread sheet.